Coon Huntin' - 2002/2003 Season
A couple coons from 0pening night - 11/10/02
Below - Rose (not in picture) treed this 22 lb coon,and after it latched on to her lower lip, she decided to let Buddy fight it while Amos cheered him on.
(This was Amos' first coon hunt - he's 5 months old)

Rose decided that she's a "Tree-er, not a Fighter" and referees this fight

Below - Amos decides to get a taste of his first coon after Buddy  made sure he was "down for the count".  Notice the thorn bush in picture - I stepped in a ground-hog hole and managed to roll right over it as I did a head-first over the creek bank behind it.

Below - Buddy and Rose treed this Cinnamon Coon.  I amost walked away from the tree. When I 1st saw it, I thought it was a possum.
(Left to Right - Amos, Buddy, Rose ) - 11/16/02

- More pictures to come as season rolls along -
This page was last updated on: March 9, 2008
Below - I've heard about "Cinnamon" or "Blonde" coons, but this was my first.  11/16/02

Below -  Amos (Yellow pup - 5 1/2 months old) opened on a hot track in a picked corn field.  The way he was moving the track,  I was afraid he was on a deer.  But, he caught up with this coon and bayed it till Buddy showed up.
- 11/30/02 -
Below - Buddy has more Grit than any dog I've ever owned. 
He's out of Kovac's Amazing Line.
Rose is a good little tree dog - just not much grit.  - 11/30/02
Below - Buddy lost some blood fighting this medium-sized coon and it took him a while to kill it.  I think Amos will be a big help when he gets older. He's still a little in awe (and smart)  to stand back and watch this kind of action, although he did run in and take a long-range nip every now and then - lol
- 11/30/02